Extra High Speed Sensor Film Window Inspection for Cartons


Extra High Speed Sensor Window Inspection

ERO-WSI checks that every film is correctly placed on the window box, detecting missing films, holes and bad positioning.

Control panel keyboard: L=270 mm, H=170 mm, W=50 mm.
Driver box size: L=270 mm, H=300 mm, W=170 mm

*The size includes lamp, knob and control panel support.

  • Extra high-speed production

  • Control 100% guaranteed

  • Advanced technology at a reasonable price

  • Smart and user-friendly control panel

  • Compact design


Tutti i sistemi di controllo ERO® a telecamera o sensore sono in grado di fermare la macchina o la sua introduzione a seguito di un quantitativo di scatole ritenute difettose precedentemente Impostato. Su tutti i sistemi ERO® è possibile installare i seguenti optional.

Kicker for faulty boxesKicker
Extractor for small faulty boxesExtractor for small boxes